Redcar Rugby Club XC Entrants email sent 19:50 on 29th March 



Please find attached details for Friday’s Cross Country.

We had no idea how many entries we would get and the aim was to be as flexible as possible – so the initial plan to have 4 or more separate races was not necessary and we now have just a single event starting at 12.30.

Please remember we are only just easing out of full lockdown, so please read the instructions carefully so you understand where you can park and the procedures we have in place.

The aim is that you will ARRIVE, RUN & LEAVE, as quickly as possible, with as little close contact with others as possible.

The attached includes links for the overall results. Although we are having a combined start, the results will be as per the event that you entered at EntryCentral.

I will also email you your individual chip times later in the day.
Entrants Info